Who is the true saint in all over the world?

Who is a Satguru / True Saint?

Satguru is that precious treasure acquiring whom human beings can attain the ultimate abode, ‘Shashwat’ place ie. 'Sanatan Param Dham' or the 'Eternal World'. The title Satguru is specifically given to an Enlightened Saint also called a ‘Tatvadarshi Saint’ / a ‘Bakhabar’ / a Messiah. An enlightened saint is the knower of true spiritual knowledge whose life’s purpose is to impart a correct way of worship to initiated souls with which they will get relieved from the trap of Shaitan / Devil i.e. Brahm-Kaal and will reach their native place and attain God. A Satguru is one who knows the Supreme Lord of Truth ie. Satpurush or the Param Akshar Purush who is the creator of the universe.  

True Saint is the one who imparts knowledge from holy scriptures. Provides a true way to worship which results in complete salvation.
At present Saint Rampal ji Maharaj ji is the true Saint as he gives knowledge according to holy scriptures of every religion. He proved that God in every religion is same, he is in form, visible like King. God can cure any deadly disease. He can destroy every sin. He is Lord Kabir. He provides nutrition to every living creature.Saint Rampal ji Maharaj ji shows word to word from holy scriptures to prove his wordings.

He the one. If one really needs god, he/she should listen to him, read his books. He says attaining salvation is easy, it needs full devotion.

What is the Identity of a Complete Saint?

Ref: Kabir Sagar and Shrimad Bhagawad Gita

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत 
अभ्युथानम् अधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम्

There is evidence in Vedas, pious Gita Ji, etc Holy Scriptures that whenever there is a decline of virtues and an uprise of sins and the form of the path of bhakti is distorted by the contemporary Saints, Mahants, and Gurus, at that time, God either by coming Himself or by sending His most knowledgeable saint again establishes the virtues through true knowledge. He explains the path of bhakti according to the holy scriptures. 

While explaining the identity of a complete saint Almighty KavirDev tells 

First identity: His identification lies in the fact that the contemporary religious gurus stand in his opposition, and by misleading the king and the people, inflict atrocities on Him.

Second identity: A True saint is a complete knower of all the religious texts.

Third identity: A complete saint will give updesh (initiation) of three types of mantras (Naam).

Fourth identity: A complete saint will provide worship three times a day. 

Fifth identity: A complete saint does not allow the consumption of intoxication or meat to seekers and not to do meditation or to dance and play music.

Sixth identity: The enlightened saint will explain the upside-down hanging world like the tree mentioned in Gita Chapter 15 verse 1-4.

Seventh identity: Satguru will be one who will tell the secret of the two-words mantra- ‘Satnam’. 

Let us understand the identity of a complete saint with proofs from holy scriptures.

First Identity: His identification lies in the fact that the contemporary religious gurus stand in his opposition, and by misleading the king and the people, inflict atrocities on Him.

Kabir Sahib Ji says in His speech

जो मम संत सत उपदेश दृढ़ावै (बतावै), वाके संग सभि राड़ बढ़ावै।
या सब संत महंतन की करणी, धर्मदास मैं तो से वर्णी।।

Jo mm sant sat updesh drdaavae (batavae), vaake sang sabhi raad badaavae 
Ya sab sant mahantan ki karni, Dharmdas main to se varni

God Kabir Ji is explaining to His dear disciple Dharmdas in His speech that the saint of mine who will tell the path of true bhakti, all the saints and mahants will quarrel with him. This will be the identity of that Complete Saint.

Second Identity: True saint is a complete knower of all the religious texts.

A true saint is the complete knower of pious 4 Vedas, 6 shastras, 18 Puranas, Shrimad Bhagawad Gita, pious Quran Sharif, Holy Bible, and pious Guru Granth Sahib, etc.

Satguru Garibdas Ji says in his speech

सतगुरु के लक्षण कहूं, मधूरे बैन विनोद। 
चार वेद षट शास्त्रा, कहै अठारा बोध

“Satguru ke lakshan kahoon, madhure baen vinod | 
Chaar ved shat shastra, kahae athaara bodh ”

Satguru Garibdas Ji Maharaj is telling the identity of a Complete Saint in his speech that he will be a complete knower of all the four Vedas, six shastras, eighteen Purans, etc i.e. he who will explain their essence.

Third Identity: A complete saint will give updesh (initiation) of three types of mantras (Naam).

Ref: Vedas, Shrimad Bhagawad Gita, Holy Quran Sharif, Speech of worshipable Almighty KavirDev & Guru Nanak Dev Ji

  • Vedas - Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages
  • Description of the Channels within Human Body & Deities Who Govern ‘Chakras’
  • Shrimad Bhagawad Gita - Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages
  • Samved - Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages
  • Almighty KavirDev Tells Dharmdas Not to Reveal Secret of Three Names
  • Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages by Guru Nanak Dev.
  • Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages – Holy Quran Sharif’

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the true and only saint in the world beyond all doubt.

Guru Granth Sahib ji (Ang 286)
'Satpurakh jis janiya, Satguru tis ka Nau'

The one who knows the True Lord, is called the True Guru.

There are so many fake gurus in the world who even don't know that is God formless or in form?

One can easily distinguish between the fake gurus and the True Guru just after reading the book Gyan Ganga.

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Jeene Ki Raah | जीने की राह  

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Visit our website for more information - www.jagatgururampalji.org
